What is the most effective treatment for toenail fungus
What is the most effective treatment for toenail fungus

what is the most effective treatment for toenail fungus what is the most effective treatment for toenail fungus

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what is the most effective treatment for toenail fungus

White superficial onychomycosis is the second most common it leads to white spots on the surface of the nail, which can ultimately spread to resemble a white chalky powder covering the entire nail, says Chen. It's also worth noting that this is the same fungi that causes athlete's foot, a fungal infection that can spread from the skin to the nail, adds Dr. It can show up on fingernails or toenails, and manifests as a yellow-ish area on the nail that can ultimately lead to splitting, crumbling, or even separation of the nail from the skin as it gets worse, she says. The most common type of nail fungus is known as distal subungual onychomycosis, and is caused by a fungi known as a dermatophyte, says Dr. So, why do some people develop full-on nail fungus and others don't? "The causes are multi-factorial but some of the more common factors that put you at risk for fungal infections include older age, diabetes, suppressed immunity, poor circulation, excessive sweating, and irregular growing nails," notes Dr. Unfortunately, the simple truth is that everyone is exposed to the microorganisms that cause these infections, says Dana Stern, M.D., a New York City-based dermatologist and nail health expert at Nu Skin.

What is the most effective treatment for toenail fungus