You can also forward messages to multiple recipients by right clicking any message, selecting forward, and choosing the recipients you’d like to send your messages to. Simply click the forwarding button next to your messaging bubbles and forward anything from text to GIFs, videos, stickers, links and files. In order to help you save time, Viber for Desktop lets you forward multiple messages to multiple people. That’s exactly why you can’t waste it on manually forwarding one message at a time to different friends or colleagues. With so many things to do a day, there is no denying that time is of the essence. Forwarding Multiple Messages to Multiple People Not only is it simple to make a call, but you’ll also be saving money by choosing the calling plan that best suits your needs. If, however, you’d like to call a landline or a cell phone that doesn’t have Viber installed on it, or someone who doesn’t have an internet connection, Viber Out’s cheap international phone calling service is the best choice. All Viber-to-Viber communication is absolutely free, so you can make a free phone call or video call, message and group chat with your loved ones as long as they also use Viber and have an internet connection. Making calls to any destination in the world has never been easier thanks to Viber.
Making Simple Calls to Any Destination in the World Here are some ways in which Viber helps you save time, from our Chat Extensions that offer a one-stop-shop where you can send videos and GIFs to our quick replies feature that lets you stay on your current chat while you respond to a different conversation at the same time. We’re all busy juggling a hundred and one things a day, which is why our time is so valuable to us.