Players will need to learn when to launch these heavy blows, as enemies can and will attack during the special attack start-up animations. The large hammer lets players stun adversaries briefly when hit, the spear slows enemies down, while others can add effects like bleed or cause more damage to be given by Irma’s regular attacks. Later on, Grey Irma is also granted a special attack with a larger weapon that gives different bonuses to the attack itself as well as a boost to various abilities. Capable of two quick attacks and a third slightly delayed follow-up, it also has a charged-up attack that can knock enemies back, giving players a way to impale adversaries on the many spiked walls and floors found throughout the game. Grey Irma starts equipped with her sword, the weapon she will have with her the entire game and the main way users will be dispatching their enemies. Bosses can be gigantic and take up most of the screen, or very small and be half the size of Irma, but each one is designed to look devilishly evil and threatening throughout every phase while filling the screen with multiple attacks from different directions.įortunately, Moonscars gives players a lot of choices in how to deal with enemies.

This feeling of constant malice is shown even more in the Moonscars boss designs. The game's art makes sure each newly introduced enemy is quickly seen as a threat. Dark in their motivations and evil in their unrelenting desire for the death of the protagonist, character designs range from the standard fantasy foot soldier to towering undead knights and more. The dark color design also helps create a world full of terrifying monsters and creatures. It just feels right at home in the dark and grime with the rest of the game.

From the slow but soaring orchestral pieces to the deep thudding of drums and bass during some boss fights, the music weaves into the game so completely effortlessly it's hard to pinpoint exactly why it works. Nothing in it stands out like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night’s memorable track list, but Moonscars background music is surprisingly heavy and unnerving at times. At times, Moonscars music is also just as dreary and oppressive as the rest of the game.